
Real Estate Business: Reinforcing

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REINFORCING - is an act of supporting a favorable comment or signal from a buyer


Examples of Reinforcing:
Signal: Any favorable remark or acceptance of the feature or benefit
1. Prospect's sgnal: Yes, it's better to own than to rent
    Reinforcing: Precisely, you can save a lot by owning. That's why this house and lot I'm offering can save all your rentals and instead you'll get ownership. 
                    (Proposition follows  . . . . )
2. Signal: That appears to be a good location.
    Reinforcing: Good location is very important especially among busy people like you who have kids who are schooling. That's why we offer you this location, it's only 20 minute drive from your place of work or the school of yoiur children
                    (Proposition follows . . . )
3. Signal: I'm looking for something that fits within my one million budget.
    Reinforcing: That's good because we have a package that precisely fits within that budget.  (Proposition follows . . .)
4. Signal: It's good to be in a place where my family is secured.
    Reinforcing: Yes, family security is a must especially when your work requires to be away from your family. That's exactly what I have to offer, a subdivision with 24 hour security with a pleasant neighborhood. ( Proposition follows  . . . .)
5. Signal: I prefer longer terms of payment
   Reinforcing: Indeed, longer terms of payment makes monthly amortization easy on the pocket. And you can find this in our house and lot package. It's 10 years in house financing or you may choose much longer term up to 25 years with Pag-ibig. (Proposition follows  . . . . )


6. Signal: "I'm looking for something that's durable to last a lifetime"
    Reinforcing: Durability is definitely an important consideration. That's exactly what BRIZA is proud to offer you. It's a shear wall technology making it 3times stronger than hollow block. (Proposition follows  . . .)
7. Signal: "I prefer  a subdivision with a good swimming pool"
    Reinforcing: Yes, a swimming pool is really ideal for your family. And I'm pleased to show you a subdivision that can offer you this. (Proposition follows . . )
8. Signal: "I like these amenities but I don't want too much spending"
   Reinforcing: Yes, amenities are important for good living, and you will be delighted to know that there's a subdivision that can offer you first class amenities at a price of within you reach. (Proposition follows . . .)
Reinforcing, therefore is an act of agreeing or supporting the prospect's  needs/problems, or favorable comment and using using this as a bridge that leads you to propose your product to satisfy his needs or to address his problems.


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